Sunday March 12, 2019
We were driving on the I-17 north freeway in the carpool lane around 11am on our way to Mother’s Day lunch. We saw a small kitten running against traffic ON THE FREEWAY!
I was able to stop traffic temporarily and had help from a few other people to rescue this kitten. Someone donated a towel and we wrapped the kitten up and took him to the animal hospital.
The vet said the kitten may have a fractured jaw, lip avulsion, and definite trauma; however, has a high success rate moving forward. With this information we decided to go ahead and pay for the kitten to have surgery and take our chances.
That night I decided to start an online campaign through and Facebook to help cover the initial cost of this unexpected event. I honestly did not expect more than just a couple of my friends to donate $20 here and there but some how we had MANY contributors and hit our goal of $1200!
It really is such an amazing thing to have the support of friends and community members in an effort to save this little dudes life.
P.S. - We named him Bali which represents “mighty warrior”, “brave” and “strength”.